How Much Does
Social Media
Cost in 2023?

In 2023, Social Media Management costs businesses
anywhere between $750-$7,000 a month.

Social Media Management Pricing

Frequently Asked Social Media Management Pricing Questions

How Much Should You Spend On Social Media?

Depending on your goals and budget, your business should spend anywhere between $500 – $10,000 a month on social media. How much does it cost to hire a social media manager? To hire a social media manager, you will pay around $100-$4,000 per month. Different social media platforms have different features, and some cost more to excel at than others.

For instance, you will need to run advertisements to grow your social media following on Facebook. Whereas on Instagram, you can grow your following organically.

Does Your Business Have A Social Media Management Strategy?

More than half of the world’s population now have at least one active account on social networks. So it’s safe to assume that your target audience are on these single platforms too and are probably interacting with businesses like yours. That’s why if your brand still doesn’t implement a social media marketing campaign, then what’s stopping you?

As a regular social media user, you’ve surely stumbled upon content and ads from different businesses. From B2C brands, ecommerce stores, local shops, service-based businesses, B2B companies, to non-profit organizations- small business owners all around the globe are investing in these social media channels. And it’s all because they know it works.

We’ve seen how social media marketing does wonders for businesses and we have the skills to do it for your brand too. But a frequently asked question is, are you ready to take your social media management to the next level?

What Are The Benefits of Social Media Marketing?

Better And Original Content

Don’t settle for content that doesn’t represent your brand. Our social media packages include creating content that aligns with your goals and reflects your brand.

Regular Content Creation And Posting

We can create and publish content 7 days a week. Our social media management packages include a complete content calendar to ensure that your social media accounts will have a constant flow of content.

Real And Relevant Followers

Every company will promise you followers, we promise the right ones. Our social media agency believes that every business is unique and so is their target audience. We target these potential customers and turn them into real, relevant followers.

Targeted And Effective Advertising

Drive qualified traffic to your website and more sales today. Our team of ad specialists ensures that all the ad campaigns that we create are targeted to reach audiences who have shown interest in products or services like yours.

How Much Do Social Media Platforms Cost?

Facebook Management Pricing

With billions of active users worldwide, Facebook remains the primary social media platform for social media marketers today. Whether your business is a small, start-up one or an established company, a business Facebook page is much needed in your marketing strategy to keep your customers informed, increase your brand awareness and widen your reach. Here are some more interesting numbers about Facebook for business.

  • More than 1.6 billion users around the globe are connected to a business on Facebook.
  • Users are 1.5x more likely to watch Facebook videos using a smartphone, on a daily basis.
  • 83% of consumers stated that they use Facebook to search for products and services.
  • 66% of users say that they Like or Follow a brand on Facebook.

Twitter Management Pricing

When you hear the word “trending” and “hashtags”, the first social media network that comes to mind will probably be Twitter. Having a Twitter account today is one of the easiest ways to know what the people are currently talking about. It’s a great tool for social listening so that your business can stay relevant with your target audience. Through your business Twitter account, you can also quickly announce new product offerings and time-limited offers. Aside from that, you can hold a Twitter Chat (TweetChat) to boost interaction from your followers. Here are some more key elements regarding Twitter:

  • 79% of Twitter users state that they like to use this social network to discover what’s new which makes it the top social media platform for discovery.
  • Users are reported to 26% more likely to view Twitter ads.
  • Twitter’s website referral traffic increased up to 6%, year-over-year.
  • Users watch 2 billion Twitter videos on a daily basis.

Instagram Management Pricing

If you think Instagram is only for brands that are visually appealing, you might want to think again. It doesn’t really matter what products or services you’re offering- with the right content marketing, you’ll still be a hit on this social platform. By incorporating creativity on your posts, you can successfully increase your brand awareness, boost website traffic and be an influencer in your industry. You can also use it as a networking tool to find and connect with business-minded, real people like you. Go ahead and check out these Instagram statistics:

  • 500 million users stated that they check Instagram Stories and Explore every month.
  • 92% of the total number of Instagram users say they’ve followed a business, visited their website, or made a purchase after seeing their product or service on Instagram.
  • 62% of users reported that they have become more interested in a brand after watching it in Stories.
  • 11% of social media users in the U.S. shop on Instagram.
  • Influencer marketing on Instagram is so strong that 72% of users report making purchase decisions based on something they saw on an influencer’s post.
  • 130 million Instagram users view shopping posts on the platform every month.

LinkedIn Management Pricing

If you’re struggling with generating leads, reaching your target audience, establishing your reputation, and building connections with other business owners or professionals, then you should be at LinkedIn. With more than 600 million users worldwide, it has become one of the most utilized social media networks for businesses today. Because aside from the things we’ve mentioned above, having a company profile on LinkedIn is also a simple way to boost your SEO rankings on Google. Here are some LinkedIn statistics that are worth noting:

  • LinkedIn is 277% more effective in generating leads.
  • 45% of marketers stated that they have gained customers through the social network.
  • 65% of B2B companies have reportedly used LinkedIn paid ads to acquire new customers.
  • 95% of B2B content marketers use LinkedIn for their organic content marketing.
  • LinkedIn impressions grew up to 50% year over year.

Pinterest Management Pricing

Did you know that advertisers get $2 for every $1 they spend on Pinterest advertising? This is mainly because Pinterest users are actively looking for products and services on this social media network. It has become one of the leading social platforms that motivates and influences consumers’ purchasing decisions. In fact, it now has over 300 million monthly active users who search and share inspirations through Pins. Check these quick, fun facts about Pinterest for businesses:

  • 77% of weekly Pinterest users stated that they have discovered a new product or brand using the social media platform.
  • 83% of weekly Pinners reported that they have made a purchase based on a content they saw from brands.
  • Retail businesses generate a 2x higher return on their ad spend on Pinterest.
  • According to 48% of Pinners, shopping is their top priority for using the social network.
  • The revenue from Pinterest shopping ads has reportedly increased up to 100% last year.

Our Social Media Management Pricing Plans

Now that we’ve tackled how each of these different platforms can help your business, you probably want to start implementing them right away. And our customer support team can help you with that. Our full-service digital marketing agency offers flexible and custom social media management pricing plans that you can choose from.

Management Fee

Our social media management pricing ranges from $560- $1,500 per month on average. This price varies based on the amount of channels and posts we are managing for you. Please note that this price is our fee to perform services on your behalf. It does not include any advertising dollars to run paid ads on social media. It compensates us for the time it takes to manage your campaign. Compared to hiring freelancers who charge hourly, you will have a well-trained and experienced social media manager assigned to your account who will run your campaign and report the results directly to you. The value of this service is that it will save you time, money, and allow you to focus on more important parts of your business.

Advertising Dollars

While we implement organic approaches for your social media strategy to build your followers and social engagement, you may elect to allocate an advertising budget to expedite this process and grow faster. We do not bill you for your advertising budget, but will develop and manage your advertising campaign. We recommend spending at least $150 on any paid advertising campaign to build followers or engagement. However, typically the more you spend, the more results you will get. We have many clients who spend thousands of dollars in follower and engagement-focused ads. We will consult you through this process once you sign-up with us.

Setup Fee

There is a one-time setup fee of $200 associated with our social media management service. This fee compensates for the time to set up your campaign for service. It includes setting you up in our analytics software, social media systems, and creating any necessary advertising accounts and social media pages.

Our Social Media Management Services Include:

Social Media Manager

Account Manager

No Longterm Contracts

24/7 Analytics

Custom Content Creation

Pre-approved Content

How Much Does a Social Media Management Company Charge?

A social media management company charges anywhere between $750-$1550 a month and above. How much do social media managers charge per hour? If someone is working for you 40 hours a week it can range from $18.75 per hour to $38 an hour.

So how much should I pay for a social media manager? You should pay a social media manager around $750 to $1550 a month.

It depends on the needs and goals of the small business. Below is a list of what our social media management fee includes!

Account Manager

As soon as you are ready to begin your campaign, you will be assigned a dedicated Account Manager that ensures the success of your social presence. Your social media manager will work together with you to consolidate your social media goals and expectations and create a strategy to make them a reality.

Content Creation

Our marketing agency takes time and consideration to create the best content strategy for your social accounts. You can expect content centered around your business that either informs, engages, or inspires your audience. Our content production is a mix of content that will allow your brand to reach anyone in your target demographic and have them truly understand what you have to offer. It’s one of the best customer retainers for small businesses like yours.

For best results, our clients are encouraged to share all pictures and videos that they have with us. This is so that we may put them to best use for the growth of their campaign. If you do not have a ton of media to share with us, no problem. We study your industry enough to provide relevant content to your audience while you continue to run your business.

Social Media Follower Growth

Awareness of your business is extremely important to the growth of your business. There are two ways to grow an audience: paid advertising and organic growth. We use all methods available to ensure your brand’s social profiles are noticed.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising includes the creating, monitoring, and optimizing of your social media advertising campaigns that target potential buyers to 1) connect with your brand or 2) go to your website, or 3) drive sales. Running paid social ads such as Facebook ads, Instagram ads, etc. is the cheapest form of advertising. It is our mission to help you reach as many people for the lowest cost possible.

Brand Reputation And Monitoring

Many businesses fail to realize the negative effects that bad online reviews can have on sales. Even worse than having negative reviews about your brand posted online is having negative reviews about your brand posted online and not responding in a timely manner. This will definitely affect what everyone thinks of your brand. All of your brand mentions, reviews and comments will be taken care of in a timely and strategic manner.

Monthly Calls

Here in Apex Assistants we want to be sure that you remain happy, you will have scheduled calls with your Account Manager on a monthly basis to discuss the current results and direction of your campaign. This also gives us the time to build meaningful relationships with our clients because customer relationship management is top priority. We don’t look at ourselves as your marketing company, we are your strategic partner.

Analytic and Competitor Report

You will receive monthly reports from your Account Manager that update you on the month’s growth.

Other Marketing Services

As a full-service digital marketing agency, we can also help you with your other marketing needs such as Google Ads, email marketing, short video marketing and more. Save money and time looking for an agency to handle each of these marketing umbrellas. Our digital marketing team follows only the best practices and ensures that each of these marketing strategies will align with your brand, target audience and business goals to get only positive results.

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