Find your best Marketing assistant for hire here in Apex for as low as $8.00/hr

What Can your Apex Marketing Assistant Do For You?

Create A Marketing Plan & Strategy

Create or help you with a marketing plan to increase traffic, leads and sales.

Get More Traffic With SEO

Get free traffic from Google by optimizing your site for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Get More Customers With Social Media

Set up social media and connect with your audience with a social media strategy.

Setup & Optimize Paid Traffic

Set up and optimize paid traffic with Google Ads (Adwords), Facebook Ads, Retargeting, and more.

Create An Email Marketing Strategy

Set up email marketing campaigns, autoresponders, write newsletters and more.

Content Marketing

Can do email automation to build and schedule campaigns, featuring mixes of various types of content and listings.

How to hire our Marketing Assistant

1. Click the Get Started Button

Free to schedule a discovery call. We will adjust to your preferred schedule

2. Submit your Client Questionnaire form

We will look for a qualified candidate for you on our roster of VAs based on the answers you provided in the questionnaire

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview with our shortlisted VAs. Then hire your personal choice.

4. Automate and Delegate

We will guarantee your VA will do the tasks assigned to them and get your life so much easier