Hire our Experienced Cold Caller

Get the best of our Cold Caller VAs for hire here on Apex for as low as $9.00/hr

What Can an Apex Cold Caller Do For You?

Persistence and Positive

Looking for a persistent cold caller? Cold callers of Apex are persistent with a positive attitude

Prospecting and Research

Our cold callers are also experienced in finding prospects and possible leads.

Quick thinker

Ability to think quickly on their feet and decide on the best course of action and think about the best response or proper thing to say.

Generate interest

Able to generate interest and excitement for the company, products and services

Relatability and empathy

Understands the challenges and needs of the clients and genuinely solve them. Understands prospect as a person and establish a mutual rapport.

Ask questions

Able to ask sales questions in order to get a true understanding of prospect’s needs

How to hire our Cold Caller

1. Click the Get Started Button

Free to schedule a discovery call. We will adjust to your preferred schedule

2. Submit your Client Questionnaire form

We will look for a qualified candidate for you on our roster of VAs based on the answers you provided in the questionnaire

3. Hire the Best Fit

Have a 15-20 minute interview with our shortlisted VAs. Then hire your personal choice.

4. Automate and Delegate

We will guarantee your VA will do the tasks assigned to them and get your life so much easier